
  1. Marinfood top >
  2. Recipe >
  3. Smoked Butter >
  4. Sauteed Cabbage


Sauteed Cabbage

  • Cooking time:30minutes
  • Calory:57 kcal(1 servings)
MF Smoked Butter 14g
cabbage 1/4 head
salt and pepper a pinch
powdered cheese some
parsley a pinch
olive oil some
Smoked Butter


Smoked Butter


1 Heat a pan and pour olive oil. Saute cabbage until browned.
2 Turn the cabbage over, bring the fire to low heat then add salt and put a lid on the pan.
3 Cook the cabbage for 20 to 30 minutes, turning it over a couple times. When it is close to getting burned, pour one tb water.
4 Put smoke butter on top, sprinkle back pepper, powdered cheese and parsley on top to serve.
